Thursday, August 22, 2024

Bāz Jabʿadīn


Most of the shells discovered at this site are modified, either perforated or segmented, supporting their use as ornaments. Long distance transport from the Mediterranean is clear for most of the taxa, but some come from freshwater sources and were probably available locally.

Provenance: Bāz Jabʿadīn (Syria).  
Currently at the National Museum of Damascus
Age: Epipalaeolithic - Neolithic. 
Photo: Nicholas Randall

Nicholas John ConardBaaz Rockshelter (Damascus) in A History of Syria in One Hundred Sites (p. 24-26). 
Andrew W. Kandel, Knut Bretzke, and Nicholas J. Conard. Epipaleolithic shell beads from Damascus Province, Syria. Quaternary International Volume 464, Part A January 2018, (p. 126-140). 
ʾIḍāʾāt ʿalā al-Matḥaf al-Waṭanī fī Dimašq. DGAM (Direction Générale des Antiquités et des Musées de Syrie). Ministère de la Culture, 2006.

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