Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Venus of Damascus


The entirely nude goddess of love stands gracefully on a cylindrical molded base. Her head is gently turned to the left, as is her torso. Her right leg supports her weight while her left knee is slightly bent and the left foot is raised, touching the ground with the tiptoes. The hair is arranged in a double bun on top of her head, in the form of a butterfly. It descends in two braids down the sides of her neck. The right hand holds the right braid while the left hand covers her pubic area. The statuette is in good condition, solid-cast and covered with a shiny black patina. 

Provenance: Damascus (discovered during construction work at Baghdad Street and presented by the National Canning Company to the National Museum on Aug 14, 1950. 
Substance: bronze. 
Date: 1st century CE. 
Dimensions: H (total) 22.5 cm, base 3.8 cm, diameter of the base 7.1 cm. 
Text: adapted from Weber (p. 26). 
Collection of the National Museum of Damascus.  

Thomas M. Weber. Sculptures from Roman Syria in the Syrian National Museum of Damascus. Vol I, from Cities and Villages in Central and Southern Syria. Wernersche Verlagsgesellschaft. Worms. 2006.

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