Sunday, October 6, 2024

Talisman Pottery


This bas-relief talisman represents a naked woman, perhaps the mother goddess. Her breasts are supported by her palms, her hair descends onto her shoulders, and a double necklace surrounds her neck. Such effigies are linked to fertility cults and were hung on the walls of temples as well as private dwellings. They could also be encountered in jewelry. 

Provenance: Ugarit Ras Shamra.
Era: Middle Bronze (2100-1550 BC).
Material: pottery. 
Height: 13 cm. 
Photo: Nicholas Randall
Text: adapted from Muyassar Fattāl.

Highlights Of The National Museum Of Damascus. DGAM (Direction Générale des Antiquités et des Musées de Syrie). Ministère de la Culture, 2006.

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