The goddess is shown in a relaxed stance, attempting to grasp with her left hand the fabric of a thin garment sliding from her hips. The torso is bare.
The head and the right arm are missing. The statuette is hollow cast. It is covered by dark brown to green patina. The Medici style is a Hellenistic rendering of the ancient Aphrodite Pudica of Knidos.
Provenance: Zawīat al-Jōlān زويّة الجولان. Acquired by the Museum in 1942.
Era: mid second century CE.
Substance: bronze.
Height: 28 cm.
Text: adapted from Weber (p 76).
Collection: National Museum of Damascus.
Thomas M. Weber. Sculptures from Roman Syria in the Syrian National Museum of Damascus. Vol I, from Cities and Villages in Central and Southern Syria. Wernersche Verlagsgesellschaft. Worms. 2006.
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