Friday, March 21, 2025

Greek Intellectual (Buṣrā)


This is a frontal representation of a middle-aged man with a voluminous beard. The forehead is marked by a single horizontal incision indicating a wrinkle. The eyeballs are apparently devoid of pupils; their shape, along with that of the mouth, conveys a rather pensive impression. The right nasal ridge and the corresponding nostril are preserved. A thick mustache nearly hides the upper lip. The beard is chipped at the chin and left mandible. The curly hair on top is arranged in small symmetrical tufts framing the forehead, and the sideburns merge with the beard. The occiput features a band-like depression.

The tip of the nose is absent along with the left nasal ridge. The left eyebrow is chipped off, and the damage extends to the left lateral forehead. The entire surface is covered by a thick creamy to yellowish patina. The workmanship is excellent. 

Provenance: Buṣrā.  
Era: Roman (first half of the third century CE). 
Substance: white marble. 
Dimensions: H 17.3 cm, W 10.5 cm, D 13 cm. 
Text: adapted from Weber (p. 88). 

Thomas M. Weber. Sculptures from Roman Syria in the Syrian National Museum of Damascus. Vol I, from Cities and Villages in Central and Southern Syria. Wernersche Verlagsgesellschaft. Worms. 2006.

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