This Greek-Catholic church is located inside the wall of the Old City south of the Street Called Straight of Biblical fame and not far from the East Gate (Bab Sharqi).
Originally a Karaite Synagogue, the building was sold by the last surviving member of this Jewish sect in Damascus in 1832 to be converted into a church under the protection of Patriarch Maximus Mazloum and with financial support of Hanna Bey Bahri, Ibrahim Pasha's lieutenant in Syria during the Egyptian domination in the 1830's.
As was the case with many other Damascene landmarks, the church was devastated during the 1860 Massacre. It was reconstructed in 1863 thanks to private donations, foreign funding, and generous contributions from Mitri Shalhub and Antun al-Shami.
A private house was assigned to the patriarchate in 1873 along with a priests' seminary and school. A boy's school was also added in a courtyard house.
The edifice is extant and in good condition.
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On the left is a view from the west and on the right the north aisle both in 2005 |
Originally a Karaite Synagogue, the building was sold by the last surviving member of this Jewish sect in Damascus in 1832 to be converted into a church under the protection of Patriarch Maximus Mazloum and with financial support of Hanna Bey Bahri, Ibrahim Pasha's lieutenant in Syria during the Egyptian domination in the 1830's.
As was the case with many other Damascene landmarks, the church was devastated during the 1860 Massacre. It was reconstructed in 1863 thanks to private donations, foreign funding, and generous contributions from Mitri Shalhub and Antun al-Shami.
A private house was assigned to the patriarchate in 1873 along with a priests' seminary and school. A boy's school was also added in a courtyard house.
The edifice is extant and in good condition.
Ottoman Modernity and Urban Transformation
Stefan Weber
Proceedings of the Danish Institute in Damascus V 2009
كنيسة الزيتون للروم الكاثوليك في دمشق
تقع هذه الكنيسة داخل سور المدينة جنوب الشارع المستقيم وهي ليست بعيدة عن الباب الشرقي. كانت في الأصل كنيساً لليهود القرائييّن وباعه آخر سليل لهذه الطائفة التي انقرضت بعدها في دمشق عام ١٨٣٢. تمّ تحويل الكنيس إلى كنيسة برعاية البطريرك مكسيموس مظلوم وبفضل تمويل حنّا بك بحري، الساعد الأيمن لإبراهيم باشا في سوريا عندما ضمّت إلى إمبراطوريّة محمّد علي في ثلاثينات القرن التاسع عشر. دمّرت ككثير غيرها في مجزرة ١٨٦٠ وأعيد بناؤها بعد ثلاث سنوات بفضل التبرّعات الخاصّة والأجنبيّة وكرم السادة متري شلهوب وأنطون الشامي. خصّص بيت مستقلّ للبطركيّة عام ١٨٧٣ وألحق بالمجمّع مدرسة اكليركيّة ومدرسة للذكور. حالة البناء جيّدة. الصورتان من عام ٢٠٠٥ اليسرى من الغرب واليمنى للممرّ الشمالي.
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